Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Week 3 Weigh In

Week three and I lost 3 pounds!!!! I am soo excited!! I have lost a total of 7 pounds and they recalculated my number of points a day because of my loss. They took 1 away! I feel soo great now!! Gunna get the dogs together and it's off for a walk we go!!!

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Week 2 Weigh In

Lost 1 pound this week. Which brings my total weight loss to 4. It's not much but I am just trying to think positively that it puts me 1 pound closer to my goal. 1 pound closer to skinny and beautiful. Hopefully this week I can lose more than 1 pound!

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Small Victories

I celebrated a small victory in my weight loss today. I am able to tighten my belt one notch smaller even AFTER eating :-) Hooray!! I figure celebrating the small victories will keep me motivated enough to acheive the larger ones!!!

Friday, March 18, 2011


So now I am facing some issues that are in the near future going to cause struggles with my diet. John and I will be moving in the summer time. We're not sure where but moving is always a HUGE strain on a diet. Eating out and staying on a diet is really hard to do.
A lot of places don't have nutritional guides that breaks everything down. And there are a lot of things not listed on the Weight Watchers site from restaurants.
And the farther we move away from California the harder this is all going to be because there will be a lot of eating out.
*Sigh* hopefully I have the will power to keep me going forward.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

The Official Weigh In

And the results are...I lost 3 pounds!!! WooHoo for week 1!! I am already looking forward to next Mondays weigh in! Only another 7 pounds until I have reached my 5% goal!
My entire first week my problem was the urge to eat out. It's so difficult to eat out when a lot of places don't have a full nutritional guide. It's nice that they supply the Calories but what about everything else you need to know to make a good healthy decision.

Monday, March 14, 2011

Almost Done With Week 1

Tomorrow (Monday) marks the beginning of week 2 for me. I definitely feel great about week 1. The hardest part has been fighting my urge to want to eat out. I love to eat out. Burgers, Fries, Milkshakes, Chinese, I love it all. And I am craving it so badly! I suppose it will be an uphill battle for a while to fight against eating out, I just hope it gets easier soon.
Tomorrow is my first official weigh in, I will post the amount lost! Even 1 pound will be exciting (though I am hoping for more)!

Thursday, March 10, 2011


Why are sweets so tempting?!?!? Hubby had Lucky Charms for dessert and it looked DELICIOUS so I had a weight watchers sundae but now I want more. I have a horrible sweet tooth and it's never satisfied!
Does anyone know any good ways to help with the sweet cravings without blowing my diet? Does chewing sugar free gum ever actually work??

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Day 2 Was Harder

So today was somewhat harder than yesterday but I still managed to stay within my points even after a piece of chocolate cake at Coco's. I also was able to take my dogs for a walk to get some exercise.
Hoping tomorrow to get to the gym to do a little cardio and work some arms and abs.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011


Day 1 was a complete success!! I even had dessert with 4.5 points to spare. I did very well today now lets see what tomorrow brings. Maybe some exercise??

Day 1 Of Weight Watchers

So I started weight watchers today and so far I'm sticking to it but because I am so focused on keeping points all I can think of is food so I'm starving all the time. This is going to be soo hard! I hate the feeling of being hungry!!
 Also, trying to get motivated to work out has been hard on me. And now its especially hard because I hate working out when I'm hungry because it makes it worse.
I need some advice on what people do to curb their hunger when on diets. I can only eat so much fruit and veggies. Does anyone know of some tasty ideas??

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Getting Started

This is the first post for this blog. I am signing up for Weight Watchers tomorrow and plan on starting Monday. I am wanting this blog for support, ideas, recipes, etc. I am hoping that everyone that comes onto this blog will be able to ban together and support each other through one of the hardest fights we may have, against our weight and ourselves.
We all need support. I want this to be a drama free zone too. Please don't bring petty fights from other places onto this blog this is a positive helpful zone only!